Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A podcast...

Dare I say, that I have a podcast? I do, but alas, its just like 3 minutes. my brother assures me that it's better to do a small one than to do nothing at all. AND it IS the DAILY Grind. So, even if i have to keep it small. I will do a podcast. :-)

Get it here. No specs, its about 64k, i think.

No notes, its just an update. I come before you humbly with hardly anything. :-/

**Edit: There is something wrong with the RSS feed. it's something with blogger, not feedburner. isn't creating the atom.xml file like it should be. >:-{ I'll be sending in a letter soon.


Anonymous said...

Dude, real good to hear from you again. Your bro is right, better to have something (even small) than nothing at all.

As for the quality of the recordings... umm... was pretty bad man, sorry to say.

Anyway, looking forward to the next podcast.


Daniel said...

Okay, so to quote from Win,
"There is so much to do, so very much. And podcasting is not top priority right now......i have no idea how others can find time to do it."
Seems to me that this was a "podcast on the go" and I enjoyed it. Quality is the last thing we should be complaining about in this forum,
more constructive criticism would be much more helpful I'm sure. But to say,

"As for the quality of the recordings... umm... was pretty bad man"
What else do you expect? THIS IS A PODCAST, and if you listened, he was testing out new equipment!! If you're looking for "good quality" all the time, tune in to NPR and listen.

Win, keep up the 'On the Go' stuff because its a great way to keep in touch with your listeners, just mess with the encoding qualites and I'm sure some of the background noise will clean up a bit. The foreground quality is superb! Take care man.

Anonymous said...

Chill there Daniel.. just telling the kid how it sounded. Never said I didn't like his podcasts or anything.

He should be credited for managing the life as a teenager (including school) and entertaining us with his work.
