Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I know, i know...

I haven't done a podcast, or updated my blog. I know. Its just not cool when it takes up SO much time, and i don't know where it goes. This is the very first time i've been on my computer all afternoon. :-( i know that I need to be giving more effort to school than I have in the past. and I'm really going to do that this semester. There is so much to do, so very much. And podcasting is not top priority right now. I'm slightly ashamed, but i have no idea how others can find time to do it. I might just have to revamp and only do a weekly podcast. That just might be the ticket! I could do it on a Friday, no homework, and it would be after any fun activities.

Today was a generally good day. After school was when it got emotionally rough. I'm not sure why, I just felt down. It might be lack of sleep, which is why I'm going to bed in 5 minutes. i just thought I'd let you all know that i am NOT dead. i'm am still alive... just not updating my blog. :'-( Goodnight.

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