Monday, January 10, 2005

The Daily Grind Podcast

Somehow, something in me told me to do a podcast. its nothing special, but its better than the "nothing" that i've done. :-/

Get the podcast here. 14.5 MB | 16:56 | @112kbps

Production notes:

Ha, production notes.

First song: "I am Back" by Mr. Projectile. on the album "Sinking".

Not too much else went on in this one. :-P o well.

I did throw in a WONDERFUL picture from space. Yes, i spent some time searching NASA's "photoblog". The coolest things, happen in space. But, you'll have to view it from the album art. The picture is of a certain flower, which, let's just say, I'm handing to you, the listeners. (Awwww..) Whatever that means...

Let's see how long this habbit will last.

As for the RSS feed... IT'S BACK UP!!

My KDE on Linux: :-(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that how KDE is supposed to look? I mean, I have it running on an old 486 (300MHz I think) with 64MB of RAM and when the screens refresh or I launch applications that's almost exactly what the screens look like (lol).

