Monday, January 31, 2005

and a day

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, January 21, 2005


It has been forever. I know. I've found other things to do. Such as gaming, music making, school (of course). Maybe I've moved on... No clue. But Tyler yelled at me today (not literally) telling me to update. So, this is what I did last night instead of my homework... :-/ I did end up getting it finished in the morning.

Wow, the quality looks aweful here, but just view it in a new window. (click on it.) Indeed, Battlefield 1942 has taken off with me again. Alas, it is terribly fun.

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Daily Grind Podcast

Somehow, something in me told me to do a podcast. its nothing special, but its better than the "nothing" that i've done. :-/

Get the podcast here. 14.5 MB | 16:56 | @112kbps

Production notes:

Ha, production notes.

First song: "I am Back" by Mr. Projectile. on the album "Sinking".

Not too much else went on in this one. :-P o well.

I did throw in a WONDERFUL picture from space. Yes, i spent some time searching NASA's "photoblog". The coolest things, happen in space. But, you'll have to view it from the album art. The picture is of a certain flower, which, let's just say, I'm handing to you, the listeners. (Awwww..) Whatever that means...

Let's see how long this habbit will last.

As for the RSS feed... IT'S BACK UP!!

My KDE on Linux: :-(

Sunday, January 09, 2005


What a tough opponent. here I am, putting off my homework even more! Yet I know that i need sleep, so I must get everything done. No time for fun. I feel like my blog is going to waste. As well as the podcast. Either A: my interests have moved elsewhere, or B: just no time to do everything i love doing. I know I'd really like to keep the podcast up. i really enjoyed doing them. I am torn.

I also have a creative writing article to write for history. One would think: "Win, that oughta be an easy thing to do, you're so creative..." And that would make sense, but somehow i can't force creativity to spew out of my mind right now.

This is the way we put out the candel.
Farwell to childhood.
Deep in the wild wood a fire goes out,
Now we are grown up?

This is the way we pull up the anchor.
Goodbye to romance.
Out on the ocean a good ship is lost.
And what are we left with,
Now we are grown up?

"This is the way"
-Paul McCartney

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Salmo 150

HAHA!! We're singing "Salmo 150" Chorus right now. This song rocks, so for my audio-byte for the day. I shall let you hear a really cool song. (Brother and Sister: YEA! i get to sing the song that you sang! Did you sing this sister?)

Forget those old files. I have the DLHS Chorus right here.

** Sorry, the link is fixed. I've been out for most of the weekend. i put "Slamo" in the link file name instead of "Salmo". :-/

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A podcast...

Dare I say, that I have a podcast? I do, but alas, its just like 3 minutes. my brother assures me that it's better to do a small one than to do nothing at all. AND it IS the DAILY Grind. So, even if i have to keep it small. I will do a podcast. :-)

Get it here. No specs, its about 64k, i think.

No notes, its just an update. I come before you humbly with hardly anything. :-/

**Edit: There is something wrong with the RSS feed. it's something with blogger, not feedburner. isn't creating the atom.xml file like it should be. >:-{ I'll be sending in a letter soon.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I know, i know...

I haven't done a podcast, or updated my blog. I know. Its just not cool when it takes up SO much time, and i don't know where it goes. This is the very first time i've been on my computer all afternoon. :-( i know that I need to be giving more effort to school than I have in the past. and I'm really going to do that this semester. There is so much to do, so very much. And podcasting is not top priority right now. I'm slightly ashamed, but i have no idea how others can find time to do it. I might just have to revamp and only do a weekly podcast. That just might be the ticket! I could do it on a Friday, no homework, and it would be after any fun activities.

Today was a generally good day. After school was when it got emotionally rough. I'm not sure why, I just felt down. It might be lack of sleep, which is why I'm going to bed in 5 minutes. i just thought I'd let you all know that i am NOT dead. i'm am still alive... just not updating my blog. :'-( Goodnight.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Lack of Posts

Wow, I've been aweful about updating my blog/podcast. :( well, what can i say. i'm on vacation. ;-)

ABC's people of the year are bloggers. That's us! :-P