Monday, May 02, 2005

Monday Monday

I took a sick day last Friday, and did state adjudication with the Vocal Ensemble on Thursday. (We got all Superiors!!! That's the best of the best!!!) So, needless to say, I'm a little behind. I'm pretty sure I failed the memory quiz that he threw on us in Bible. :-/ Luckily, after this class, I won't have to take bible again in Highschool. Well, its not that I don't like the class, he is a fun teacher. I'm just ready for something different.

I woke up with a migraine today. >:-{ It felt like a small needle had been jabbed into the left side of my brain, with a small string of pain that lead to my cerebellum. But, I have learned to live with such things as migraines, so it wasn't relatively that bad, even though it took a couple of hours for the medicine to kick in.

These are beautiful days weather-wise, and I guess in any other sense as well. But the weather specifically seems to be having a fine time making things pleasant for us. The cooler temperatures are a little bit of a surprise, but the sunlight and the green leaves warm the soul. :-P Cheesy, I know.

Finally, pictures will be up soon on my dad's photo website of How to Succeed. Feel free to order prints online; they will be delivered to FRA for pickup. It'll be a large gallery of around 300 images, so be prepared to look for a while and relive the madness of the musical.


Anonymous said...

Awww yay! I'm glad you're posting again, Win. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I'll be expecting you any moment now! ; )
I love you and have utmost respect for the amazing person you are. : )
~your big sister~

Anonymous said...


You are cool. It's fun visiting your site... I'll have to do this more often. If I had only one microparticle of tech know-how, I would be a dangerous man.
