Thursday, June 14, 2007


So I went to the Dentist today to have a cavity filled. First, they numb me up. It takes not one, but two shots to make me unable to feel the drill. This is fine. They do their thing, prodding my tooth with weird devices. It's all good. Upon leaving I realize that I'm going to have a hard time talking to anyone, as I sound like I have to bite down on my tongue to talk while trying to do exactly the opposite. That probably doesn't make sense. See half of my face is numb, so I can't tell if I'm chewing a hole through my tongue or cheek. This bothers me. Probably should have eaten lunch BEFORE this happened. Too late, I'm gonna have to wait.
FIVE HOURS LATER my mouth is still numb, and I'm freaking hungry. While I've had a good time busying myself by setting up the HDTV to work with my computer, I still can't escape the hunger pains inside of me. So here I sit trying to eat some leftover fried rice with shrimp, not quite sure if I'm chomping on my food or myself. While I'm sure both are equally tasty, one might have more of an undesired effect. Even worse is trying to drink. Half of the drink is cold in my mouth, while the other half is oddly warm. I can tell theres liquid there, but my senses deceive me of ever other pleasure, the nerve of some things. (stupid pun, I'm sorry.) I think I already have a cut somewhere in my mouth from lazy/numb muscles. Oh well, gotta eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow ... that was the best description of a numb mouth that I've ever read.

You are awesome in the weirdest ways sometimes! ; )

~Big Sister~