Sunday, January 09, 2005


What a tough opponent. here I am, putting off my homework even more! Yet I know that i need sleep, so I must get everything done. No time for fun. I feel like my blog is going to waste. As well as the podcast. Either A: my interests have moved elsewhere, or B: just no time to do everything i love doing. I know I'd really like to keep the podcast up. i really enjoyed doing them. I am torn.

I also have a creative writing article to write for history. One would think: "Win, that oughta be an easy thing to do, you're so creative..." And that would make sense, but somehow i can't force creativity to spew out of my mind right now.

This is the way we put out the candel.
Farwell to childhood.
Deep in the wild wood a fire goes out,
Now we are grown up?

This is the way we pull up the anchor.
Goodbye to romance.
Out on the ocean a good ship is lost.
And what are we left with,
Now we are grown up?

"This is the way"
-Paul McCartney

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